April 26, 2021

 Monday - Sunny but cool

Well, today was Academy Award day, but it wasn’t all that great. I wanted to enjoy the broadcast, but they left out most of the cheesy jokes and all of the music. There were few clips of films too. For those of us who live outside the US, it is hard to see a lot of these films in time, so a clip would have been nice. The In Memoriam section, which I normally love, was rushed and there wasn’t a pause for applause either. They mixed up the usual order of the awards, which would have been fine if it had worked, didn’t. Who puts Best Actor last? I think they had expected that Chadwick Boseman would win and they would use the award as a tribute…but he didn’t win. Congrats to Anthony Hopkins.  

I got up as soon as my alarm went off this morning, went downstairs and then got dressed and ready for the Oscars. I assumed that they started at 10 am but they started at 9 am, so it was a good thing I got up!

At one of the breaks, I ran downstairs to grab breakfast. I was starving so I had to do it!

After the Oscars, I watched the news from early on and started working on my column. I did quite well today and got a bit done. I’m not done yet, but the end is in sight!

I grabbed lunch and came back upstairs. The afternoon was quiet but nice.  F called around 4:30 to say he was in Yamagata and would be late getting back. Oh, dear.

I went downstairs around 5:45 to start cooking dinner. I was making curry, and as always, it took a while. I didn’t finish until after 7 pm. K came looking for F and I had to try to explain to her that he was working late. 

I served us some curry, and as I did, F called to say he was on his way! K and I ate and both liked the curry so much that we had seconds. F arrived just about then so I gave him some curry too. He had seconds as well! I sure hope that there is enough for tomorrow’s dinner too.

I had done dishes as I was cooking so it wasn’t too bad doing the dishes tonight. I did my usual news and then Persuasion. Lovely to get back to it today.

I came upstairs and didn’t watch any TV. I did watch an episode of something on Apple+TV and then some YouTube as well. It was a quiet evening, but okay.

Not sure what I’m going to do tomorrow. I’ll hopefully work on and perhaps finish my column. My deadline is coming up much too soon!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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