April 26, 2020

Sunday - Rainy in the morning, clearing later on.

I went to bed a bit late last night, but I had set my alarm for earlier than usual for a Sunday. F wanted to go out early to avoid having to go to a community meeting or something. I got up around 7:30, got dressed and waited for him. He wasn’t ready until close to 8:30.  He was the one that wanted to go out. He made some breakfast for his mother, so that was nice of him, but honestly…I could have slept longer.

We went out finally and went to the Internet Cafe. I was rather surprised, to be honest, that it was so quiet. They are doing social distancing there so there were only two massaging chairs available now. I got one, and F went to another area. I enjoyed myself. I had breakfast there, a little nap, and even got in some crochet so I was happy. F came to my cubicle when he was moved to tell me and that was nice. He came a bit after the 3-hour mark to say “Oops” that we missed it. I didn’t care. I decided that I wasn’t going to be the timekeeper this time. We left just before 4 hours were up. We pay according to the length of time we stay, and if we order off their menu. Breakfasts were free and so were all the soft drinks we could drink. 

We picked up lunch for us at Kintaro Sushi. We had to kill fifteen minutes while they prepared it, so we walked to the drugstore and bought a few things. We went back to the car and the sushi was ready. Woot. 

We took it back to the house and had lunch with K. Dinner was okay, but they didn’t have enough of my favourite sushi and too many things I didn’t like. I stopped eating before the sushi was all gone. K said she was done but kept eating, as usual. 

I do have a big grumble about K though. This morning when I was waiting for F to get ready, he brought me an envelope with a sample of tea in it. He told me that the company must have sent it out to all the neighbours. I could have the tea in the sample. Great hey?  Not really. I pulled out one of my other envelopes that I receive monthly from the company in their tea magazine and said that I didn’t think so. He was rather surprised.  I showed him an example of the magazine with the envelope still in it. 

He went downstairs with my magazine to ask her about it. He came back a couple of minutes later, with my May 2020 magazine. It had been opened. Apparently, someone hadn’t noticed that it was addressed to me and had just opened it and taken out the free samples that I get. 

On one hand, I’m glad that it wasn’t something really personal, on the other hand, how flaming dare she? I have been getting this magazine for the last year and a half, and for some reason she decides to open it and take one of my samples?  I have a few green tea samples that I probably won’t use, and had planned to give them to her, but I definitely won’t be doing that now. 

Anyway, over lunch F and I had a few words. I’ve just recently bought myself a miso soup bowl because the one he makes me use is wooden and rather awful. I don’t like it at all. He put the miso mix in that wooden bowl and I objected. I told him that I have my own bowl now and to please use it. I poured the soup into my bowl.

Had an okay lunch except they were watching TV and I was bored and just not feeling cheerful. F looked at me and said I looked sad. I told him I was and he seemed angry about that. What the heck?

After lunch dishes, I went upstairs and was on my computer for a while. I was a bit depressed I guess. I put on a video on YouTube and did a bit more crochet. Then I decided to take a nap. I got into bed and immediately F started to talk about going out to pick up dinner. I got annoyed and told him I needed a few minutes to rest. 

Things did get better and we had a snuggle.  Finally, we did get up and go for groceries. Sadly, by the time we got to the store, there was nothing worth eating in my opinion. F picked up bentos for him and K, but I got okonomiyaki. We got some food, F wants to cook tomorrow night, so have at it, dude. He’s making fish, but I don’t think he’s thought of any side dishes at all. 

When we got back to the house he proceeded to make more miso soup. I told him I didn’t want it at all so he got annoyed. Then he gave his mother miso soup in my bowl. I was not best pleased. I’ve lived here 3 years, his mother has “her” miso soup bowl, how come he doesn’t know that?

Dinner didn’t go well. My okonomiyaki wasn’t great and has given me horrible indigestion. I spent most of the meal on my phone, then when I was done I got up, put away my cushion and grabbed my dishes. I washed my own stuff and then headed upstairs. I just didn’t want to be around either of them for a while. 

F was okay when he came upstairs but did go to bed fairly early. I tried to tell him that this forced quarantine is really hard on me but I don’t think he gets it. I have no idea when the next time I’ll be able to go to Canada is. I’m glad that I did just go but I really feel quite adrift most of the time. 

This has been quite a day. Lots of little things that have really annoyed me or hurt my feelings and even though a few nice things happened too, I just want it to be over and done with.

Come back later if you want and see how Monday goes. Until tomorrow….

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