March 10, 2025

Monday - Sunny and clear

I went to bed around my usual time last night. This morning when my alarm went off, I was quite surprised! I hadn’t heard F leave this morning, so that was nice. 

I got up, went downstairs and then did my usual thing of going back to bed. I watched a couple of videos and then snoozed for a bit. I finally dragged myself out of bed a bit later and dressed.

I went downstairs to get my breakfast. I brought it upstairs to eat and I watched a bit of YouTube and then the news. 

I had a quiet afternoon and that was nice. I just relaxed, probably a bit too much though. I did look up a recipe for dinner tonight and that was good. 

I was a bit late getting my lunch but I went downstairs and made it. I set the heater in the kitchen for later and went upstairs to eat. I watched The Walking Dead and it was an interesting episode. Something is afoot but I’m not sure what yet. 

F called me after 5 to say he was already on his way back. That was fine. I went downstairs with my lunch plate and the other stuff from the day, then went back up to the room to change and bring down the kerosene tank from the heater. I filled it up and I filled up the heater in the living room too. 

F arrived soon after and we had a nice reunion. I got stuck into dinner prep and a little after 7 pm we had our dinner. Tonight we had chicken drumsticks from the air fryer, rice, salad, potato salad, broccoli and pickles. Dinner was quite nice and everything vanished tonight! I was a bit disappointed since I didn’t get anything for my lunch tomorrow!

I did the dishes and listened to my podcasts. I rather enjoyed them. When I was done, I said goodnight to F and went upstairs. 

I relaxed upstairs for a bit. F showed up after 10pm, but I went downstairs to take a shower. When I came back upstairs I watched Saturday’s episode of The Day of the Jackal. I’m wondering what is going to happen!  I’m only 3 episodes in, but I’m really enjoying it. 

I turned off the TV when I finished the show and then I watched some YouTube and worked on my blog. It’s been a bit quiet with me. F is a bit noisy tonight. Oh dear. It might be an earplug night again. 

That’s it for me. I’m not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. It’s a bit of a sad day as it is the anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

March 9, 2025

Sunday - Sunny and then rainy at night

I woke up this morning a bit late. We all slept in this morning. When I got up this morning, I needed to use the washroom. Well, F got up at the same time and he needed to use the washroom too! Since he’s faster on the stairs than me, I sent him downstairs first. As I was going down the stairs, F came out of the washroom, and K went in. Ack!

F made something for K’s breakfast and I think that he ate some of it too. He came upstairs a bit later where I was at my computer. We talked about where to go for lunch, so I suggested going for Indian food and F was okay with that. It’s pretty reasonable. We both had some nice curry, I tried the curry of the day. It was an aloo gobi chicken so I had that and it was good. F had the spinach curry one. 

After our lunch, F called a temple to see if we could visit but we didn’t get an answer. Instead, we decided to come back to the house and sleep! After a bit of time on my computer, I did in fact go back to bed. I think I slept for a couple of hours. When I woke up ready to get up, it was dark out. Oops. 

F went downstairs and made something for his mother’s dinner. Then it was our turn. I suggested a Chinese restaurant that we both like and he was okay with that. We drove over and were able to get one of their tables. I had the yurinchi chicken. It’s deep-fried chicken with a sour sauce. I really like it. F had chahan and ramen. He liked the chahan but complained about the ramen, so same as usual. 

After our dinner, we went over to Mina, the grocery store. I went in and did the shopping. We’ll have chicken drumsticks for dinner tomorrow night and homemade hamburgers and probably fries on Tuesday night. 

We came back to the house and I put the groceries away and then headed upstairs. I had a fairly quiet evening. I watched an episode of Good Omens on Prime video. I’m trying to pick up some of the stuff that I’ve left for a while. I wanted something funny and not quite as dark as The Walking Dead is. It was good and I did laugh a bit at it.

And that’s about it for me. I’m not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow, come back later and find out!

Until tomorrow….

March 8, 2025

Saturday - Sunny and warmish

I stayed up a bit later than my usual late yesterday, so I slept a bit late. I was rather surprised. F tried to wake me up in a friendly way, but it didn’t work. I finally opened my eyes around 9:30 and was shocked that it was so late! F was newly back from taking his mother to Day Service. We had a bit of snuggle time while we both snoozed a bit.

I dragged myself out of bed a bit later and got dressed. As we planned, we left the house around 11 am and arrived at the restaurant in good time. F wanted to try the restaurant as a possible place to take my sister and her husband. I don’t think it’ll work for my sister, but that’s okay. We both had the lunch special which was a mini-sukiyaki lunch. It was quite good. It seems like the restaurant is a one-man place. We were the only customers but the food was good, so I’m not sure why. 

After lunch, we went to Starbucks and had coffee. F had a regular drip coffee and I had a decaf iced coffee. It was one of the cold coffee brews of the day, and for some reason, they charged me extra for it. I was not too happy about that! We spent about an hour at the coffee shop and it was nice. It started to get busy and we were finished our drinks so it worked out.

We drove back to the house and picked up the empty kerosene tanks. We drove off to the gas station and F filled them up.  Then, we made a stop at Gyomu Supa. I bought some things for the next few weeks there. I got some potato salad, some baby cheese, frozen puff pasty and tortillas, and some sunflower seeds. I’m sure there were other things too! We brought it all back to the house and F put the tanks away and I did the shopping. 

I went upstairs and put on my hot water and just relaxed for a bit. F didn’t have any ideas for afternoon things. We also had to wait for his mother to come back. F made his mother some dinner and then he came back upstairs to talk to me.

We had planned to go to the late show of Wicked but F said to me that his neck was bad and he didn’t want to go. I said that it was okay, but I’d ask him to take me to Machi-ne Kinema in Tsuruoka instead and he could just drop me off. Then he said that he’d come with me after all!  I didn’t mean to be mean to him, but I really wanted to go to a movie tonight. 

We left the house around 7 pm and drove out to the mall. We parked in a good spot and went in and bought our tickets. Then, we went to the bibinba place and ordered our bibinba and drink. The drinks were free with our movie tickets. Yay!

The bibinba were good. F had the onion-salt-pork one and I had a cheese bibinba. We liked both of them I think. F does this thing where he doesn’t want to get to the cinema early so I was a tad frustrated with him. Finally, about 15 minutes before the movie I told him I was going!

We went to the cinema and F bought us popcorn and drinks. I sent him to deliver the concession goods to our seats and I went to the washroom!

The movie was great. I had heard it was good, but I’ve never been interested in the stage version so didn’t have much idea how it would go. I really liked it a lot. F enjoyed it too. It didn’t feel like a 3-hour movie! I will look forward to the next part when it comes here.

After the movie, we walked back to the car and drove back to Tsuruoka. We didn’t go anywhere else, just back to the house. F went upstairs first, and I followed him a few minutes later. He’s in bed now I’m still doing the blogging thing. 

I have no idea what we’ll get up to tomorrow besides the usual grocery shopping. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…

March 7, 2025

Friday - Snowy and cloudy and cooler

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I made a trip downstairs, watched a couple of videos on my phone and went back to sleep. I decided not to go to a movie I had been thinking about as the timing with buses and such just wasn’t good. 

I dressed and went downstairs to make my breakfast. I also made some jelly in a bowl for tonight’s dessert. The package was due to expire this month, so I thought that I should do it soon! I put it in the fridge for later. I brought my breakfast up to my room and relaxed with a bit of news and YouTube.

Around 12:45 to 1pm, I finished up my hat. I just had to darn in the ends and finish the actual top. It turned out very well. I have two hats from the same yarn now and they are a little different, but I like them both. 

My knitted hat...pattern from Knitting for Dummies.
Yes, some of the pink yarn has glitter!

I had a quiet afternoon in today. I didn’t see K at all. When it was lunchtime, I went downstairs for my lunch and came back to the room and watched an episode of The Walking Dead. It’s all about the Commonwealth at the moment. Carol is sussing things out, and so is Eugene. This is a few years after the show has finished, so I hope this isn’t a spoiler for anyone!

F called a bit after 5:15 to say he was on his way but would stop at a grocery store. I went downstairs to start dinner a little early. I took my dishes down and washed them.  

Dinner tonight was nice. We had spaghetti with a carbonara sauce, sauteed bacon, salad, and F contributed pickles. We also had dessert of strawberry jelly and ice cream. I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Most of the food vanished!

I did the dishes and listened to my movie podcast. I enjoyed the podcast! When I was done, I said goodnight to K and told F I was going upstairs.

I spent a quiet evening up in our room. I did take a shower and then came back to the room and watched an episode of Gen V which I haven’t watched in ages. I’ve got a few shows on the Fire Disk that I have to decide if I’m going to go back to them and keep watching or what. It’s a bit tough with my channel showing so much Walking Dead all at once. It’s taking up my time to watch fun programmes. However, I’m about halfway through the last season of The Walking Dead. I’m wondering if the channel will show the spin-offs or if they will just stop. I’d like to see the Daryl Dixon spin-off as I watched a couple of episodes when I was in Canada last time.

Anyway, that’s about it for me. I wrote an email to my bestie tonight and then got stuck into blogging and catching up with internet things. 

I’m not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. Come on back and find out. Until tomorrow….

March 6, 2025

Thursday - Cool and rainy

I woke up this morning around 6:30, and I was not very pleased. F was the person who woke me up and I think he did it on purpose. I was annoyed. I went downstairs and then came back to bed. I pulled the covers up over my head and ignored F as much as I could until later. 

I went downstairs later and then came back up to bed. I watched a couple of videos and then had a snooze. It was really hard to get up later but I did.

I did my usual going downstairs to grab breakfast. I brought it upstairs and after I ate it, I decided that I should go and do some laundry. I ended up doing two loads today so that was good! I was rather pleased about it.

I had lunch and watched another episode of The Walking Dead. This one was about being part of the Commonwealth. It was interesting seeing Daryl act like a parent to Rick’s kids. 

After 5:15, F called to say he was on the way back to the house. He did ask if I needed anything, but I didn’t. I reminded him that we’d be going out later on.

I went downstairs later to start dinner. Tonight I was actually “cooking”. I had bought some pre-marinated ginger pork and some broccoli florets. I had to cook them. I decided to steam them so I had to go upstairs to find my steamer. I had to replace my old steamer because K stole mine. I wasn’t too pleased about that. The steamed broccoli was lovely and so was the ginger pork. I served these with rice, salad, and kabocha salad too. 

I finished cooking a little early so I called F down early for dinner. That was nice for a change. We ate and then I got started on the dishes early. I even managed to finish them much earlier than usual so that was nice. 

F and I went to the grocery store and I went in and did the shopping. Nothing special, I just got a few things and then checked out. 

We came back to the house, put away the groceries and then went upstairs. I watched YouTube for a while and then I went downstairs and made popcorn. I went back upstairs and watched DOC. It was a good episode. I’m quite enjoying this new show. I also finished my hat...more or less. I have to do the finish of it. I have 8 stitches that I need to darn in and then a couple of ends and I'm done! Woot. 

And that’s about it. I had an okay day despite the bad beginning to it. Tomorrow I may or may not go out in the morning. I’m thinking about it, but it would be a bit tricky and the weather tomorrow is going to be horrible I think. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

March 5, 2025

Wednesday - Rainy, cold and cloudy

I woke up early this morning for the first time. F was leaning over the headboard of our bed looking for his glasses. He did find them, but I’m not sure where! I woke up next time before my alarm went off. I went downstairs and then came back to the room and slept on a bit. I watched a few videos on my phone and then went back to sleep for a bit.

I got up later and dressed, then I went downstairs to fill our kerosene tank upstairs. While I was doing that, I decided I’d check K’s tank and I filled it too for good measure. It was rather nice of me I thought! I took our tank upstairs and then I came back for my breakfast. I took it upstairs and ate it while I watched my usual YouTube and then the news. 

I had a quiet afternoon. I did a load of laundry…my shirts…and then I grabbed my lunch and took it upstairs. I watched some of The Walking Dead and it was a good episode for the most part. 

F phoned after he finished work and said he was on his way to the Mall. He was charged with picking up my shirt that I put in to be hemmed. Then he was supposed to go to the grocery store in the mall and pick up some tonkatsu for dinner. It should have been quite simple!

I went downstairs around 6pm to start dinner. I didn’t have to do a lot today because I was basically just reheating the curry. I started it early so I could do it low and slow. I got a call from F saying that he was delayed. Someone had blocked him in the parking lot. They’d just left their car in front of his. He even reported it to the mall and asked them to make an announcement in the store!

He phoned me about five minutes later to say that he was on his way again. When he arrived at the house he told me that he’d had a lot of “fun” at the grocery store. Someone had blocked him from the tonkatsu and then another person took the last one! He brought us some chicken cutlets instead!

Dinner when it happened was quite good. We had curry and rice again, with the chicken cutlets and salad. F and I had seconds of the curry and it was very nice today too.

I did the dishes after dinner and then I did up the garbage for taking out. I left it in the genkan. I told F that I was going upstairs and went. Upstairs, I sorted out my garbage and left the bag for F to put his stuff in later.

I had a quiet time for a while. I did watch a few videos on YouTube before going downstairs to take a shower. I came back upstairs when I was done.

Tonight I decided to watch an episode of Severance. It was really good…it’s always good. I’m enjoying this so much trying to figure out what is happening at Lumon! I did a few rows of my knitting while I was watching. I’m getting so low on yarn that I’m getting rather worried. I’m not sure what I’ll do if I don’t have enough!

And that’s about it for me. F went to bed around midnight, I should get there soon too. 

Tomorrow I’ll try and do more laundry and then I’ll be cooking dinner later in the day. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

March 4, 2025

Tuesday - Sunny and a little cool

I first woke up this morning when F announced, around 7:00 or 7:30 that he was going to call out at work today. Okay then. I went back to sleep. I woke up when my alarm went off. I went downstairs and came back to the room. I returned to bed after asking F what he planned to do today. 

I got up a lot later, got dressed and went downstairs. Since F didn’t really appear to be doing much, I made my breakfast and then brought it upstairs to eat. I ate, spent some time on my computer, watched the news and then started to watch the streaming rebroadcast of the Academy Awards and then it was after 1pm. F came into the room and asked if I’d like to have lunch. We came up with a few ideas for places, but in the car F suggested Nagomi. I said it was okay and it was, but I just didn’t want Japanese food. 

We went to Nagomi and both had their lunch special. We had half an order of soba with a small keisen-don, tempura and miso soup. It was good. I had one small weird thing happen though. I had some chopped-up raw tuna on my chopsticks. On the way to my mouth, it fell off my chopsticks. It fell down my shirt. I tried to catch it, but for some reason, it ended up on the floor. It also left lovely soy sauce marks on my undershirt. Sigh. 

We did talk about going for coffee after our meal and I thought F was okay with that, but he headed back to the house after lunch. Sigh. He had decided to go to a doctor, which was a good thing, but it was sad for me. 

Back at the house I relaxed and watched some YouTube then the news. F came back from the doctor with a ton of medicine of course. 

Around 5:45 I went downstairs to start dinner. F had asked that I make curry on Sunday and I foolishly agreed! I like curry a lot, but it is a bit of work to prepare all the veggies. 

I cut up a lot of vegetables and then started cooking them. I was a bit late getting it on the table, but that’s because making curry takes a long time. I had asked F yesterday if we had enough rice for dinner today too and he said yes. Of course, the answer was no! We finished the rice and then when F and I wanted seconds, there wasn’t any left. We had one bachelor pack rice in the kitchen and I thought there was more in K’s old room, but there wasn’t. Now, I wasn’t the last person to bring some out to the kitchen. Don’t you think F should have told me there wasn’t any left? Yes, yes he should have!

We ate curry and rice, plus salad and potato salad tonight. It was very nice, really. K enjoyed it and said it was good. 

I cleared the table and then did the dishes. It wasn’t too bad since I did a few while the curry was cooking. After I was finished, I told F that I was done and suggested we leave right away so that we could get some shopping in. I went upstairs and changed.

We jumped in the car and drove to Mina. F came in with me which was fine, but a bit annoying too! He never bothers to ask me what I need to buy! We got a few things and then came back to the house. 

We put the groceries away…okay, I did that with major interference from F. He gave me a bunch of stuff all at once that went into different drawers…it was not a good thing. I told him to leave me to it!

I went upstairs and relaxed when I was done. F relaxed with his computer but did go downstairs to make rice for tomorrow. 

I watched FBI: Most Wanted at 11pm and then off went the TV. I did some knitting during the show. I’m doing my final decreasing now. I’m using double-pointed needles which is a bit fiddly, but okay. Will I have enough yarn? I’m not sure!

It’s been YouTube and blogging and internet stuff ever since then. When I’ve posted this, I’ll be going to bed. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….