July 15, 2018

Sunday - Hot and sunny

An okay trip.

We got back from Sendai and Yamagata tonight. I’m a little sunburnt despite using sunscreen and wearing big floppy hats.  I’m not sure how that happened.

We went to see Winchester with Helen Mirren. It was a “based on true events” story about the heir to the Winchester fortune.  She spent her time building rooms onto her house.  She’d build them for the ghosts of people who were killed by the guns her company made.  There were some good jumps in the film and it wasn’t as gory as it could have been.  

We did spend a lot of time fighting or perhaps it was just being passive aggressive towards each other.  F was generous at times, he bought me a new pair of shoes and also a lovely shirt and cover, but didn’t want to spend much time with me.  I’d be in mid-sentence with him and he’d grab his phone and put on a video.  Things like that.  Rude, certainly, but done often enough makes me think.

Today we left Sendai and headed to Yamagata. We did the Costco thing.  It’s so strange with F, going there.  He just seems gormless when we are in the shop.  I’ll ask him things and he just stares at me.  I’ll ask him if he wants anything and the answer is always no.  Well then, why are we here then?

We got a few things, I got some avocados, some snacks, new ink for my printer, that kind of thing.  F got a new jacket for himself and not much else!

We came back to the house.  K was fine, she seemed happy to see us.  We unloaded the car, I tried to carry too much stuff upstairs at once and fell.  Luckily it was on the turn and I was going up, so really it wasn’t too bad.  I did have to check some of my bags to make sure nothing was hurt.

F and I went out for a very late dinner to the gyudon shop.  I had the newest one with salad on the gyudon, F had the grilled salmon set and complained about the thickness of the salmon.  Yay him.  

Really that’s it.  Tomorrow is a holiday so I have F around again.  He’s got some things planned and I’m trying to give him other ideas so there is a lot to do.  Come back later and see what I get up to on Monday.  Until tomorrow….

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