March 19, 2012

Monday - cloudy and rainy

An oddish day!

I got up this morning and said bye to my hubby before work. I was still half asleep though.  I slept in a bit late and finally got up.  I had a quiet day at home. I didn’t go out at all today. 

F came home a little after his usual time.  He was really tired.  He had to go back to work to pick something up but then came home again and went to bed!  I checked to see if he still wanted dinner and he said he did. 

I cooked tonight and it was pretty good.  It wasn’t too difficult.  We had fresh linguini with alfredo sauce and shrimp.  We had salad on the side too.  It was very yummy.  F did get up to eat.  After he finished he was going to do the dishes, but I gave him a pass.  I haven’t seen him since.  He’s been sleeping since before 8 pm!

I have been watching TV for most of the night. I’m now on my 3rd? 4th? episode of Glee in a row. I’m enjoying it a lot, but I feel a little lonely! Anyway, tomorrow is a holiday so hopefully we’ll be able to spend a bit of time together.  Talk to you tomorrow night.  

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